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  • admin_alanzoor

  • February 27, 2024




















Exercising in the water has mechanical values that the body weight becomes lighter due to buoyancy effect.

This mechanical value reduces the loading of the body weight on the lower back, hip joints, knee joints, ankle joints & feet, thus allowing more free movements for the patient complaining of a medical condition in these body regions.

On the other hand, moving in water creates hydraulic resistance against the moving body part, as the trunk, upper or lower limbs, and this resistance controlled by the patient help to build up muscle strength

Hydrotherapy provides less risk and side effects & more resistance & strength to muscles, in comparison to standard walking outside the water.


At Al-Anzoor Hydrotherapy Department, We Treat the Following Conditions:

After surgery & wound healing for early & safe mobilization of joints & muscles Post Operative Cases.

Back, neck, joints & muscle pain for muscle relaxation & conditioning Musculo-Skeletal Cases.

Strokes and other nerves conditions Neurological Conditions.

Children motor developmental delay and other children’s cases Pediatric Cases.

Before & after birth Pre & Post Natal Cases.

Weight loss.

Other hydrotherapy cases.

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